
How Sealcoating Can Prolong the Life of Your Asphalt

Seal coating restores faded asphalt to a smooth black appearance and forms a protective barrier against oil, water, and other chemicals. This saves money in the long run by preventing more expensive repair and replacement.


Block off the area you’re sealing. This should include the driveway, sidewalks, curbs and grass. Shut off any sprinkler systems and keep them turned off for the duration of the process. Visit to learn more.

Asphalt is a great material for driveways and parking lots, but it isn’t indestructible. Regular use and exposure to the sun’s harsh UV rays can cause it to degrade, leaving you with a less-than-pleasant looking surface. Sealcoating is an affordable way to protect your pavement, prolonging its lifespan and adding curb appeal to your property.

When your asphalt is new, it has a deep black color that looks rich and professional. Over time, the elements can fade the asphalt’s appearance, causing it to look washed out or gray. Sealcoating restores the asphalt’s natural black hue, enhancing your property’s overall curb appeal and ensuring that potential customers have a good first impression of your business.

The smooth, dark surface of a sealcoated driveway or parking lot makes it easier to keep clean. The sealer resists oil and grease stains, so spills are less likely to absorb into the pavement and cause further damage. Additionally, weeds have a harder time growing in the cracks of unsealed pavement. If you are worried about your commercial or residential pavement’s cleanliness, contact a reputable and experienced sealcoating contractor to schedule a service appointment.

Another benefit of sealcoating is that it can help to prevent the need for expensive paving repairs in the future. Over time, the sun’s UV rays can cause the aggregate in asphalt to loosen, which can lead to cracks and potholes. Sealcoating is an inexpensive solution to protect your pavement and postpone the need for costly repairs.

It is important to note that sealcoating involves working with liquid chemicals and should only be done by professional paving contractors with the proper training and equipment. The coal tar emulsions that are used to create the sealant produce fumes during the curing process, which can pose health risks for workers who don’t have the appropriate PPE (personal protective equipment). When working with these chemicals, safety should always be a priority. For additional security, it is recommended that workers wear hard hats, impervious gloves, and face masks. A properly prepared sealcoat can last up to 5 years if temperatures remain above 65 degrees Fahrenheit, so it is well worth the investment!

Prevents Water Damage

Asphalt pavement is a combination of rock and stone aggregate held together with a binder that is produced by the distillation of crude oil. The degradation of this binder is accelerated by weather conditions like rain and UV rays, and this causes the surface to weaken and crack over time. Keeping the binder intact with regular sealcoating prevents this process and prolongs the life of your driveway or parking lot.

As the name implies, sealcoating fills in small cracks and holes to help protect your pavement from water damage. It also creates a barrier that helps keep water from infiltrating the cracks and damaging the sub-base beneath. Water that seeps into asphalt cracks can freeze in cold temperatures, expanding them and further damaging the surface. Sealcoating helps to protect the integrity of your parking lot or driveway and can save you money by preventing future repairs and maintenance.

While this is not a guarantee that your pavement will never be damaged, it does greatly reduce the likelihood of damage. Sealcoating is typically done in the spring and fall, as this is the best time to ensure the work can be completed before freezing temperatures. It requires temperatures above 50 degrees and a period of 24 hours without heavy rain, which can wash away the new layer.

During the sealcoating process, workers spread a new layer of material over the existing asphalt surface. It is usually dark in color to improve the curb appeal of your property. The new surface is then buffed to remove any loose particles and to make it smooth for the next car or pedestrian to drive on.

Once the sealant is applied, it can take up to two days for the surface to cure and dry completely. During this time, traffic can be allowed on the surface at reduced speeds. Hot summer days help the process along by increasing the speed at which the asphalt dries.

Once the sealant is dried, your driveway or parking lot will be safe to use and will look great. It will have a dark, sleek appearance that looks brand-new and is much easier to clean than old, cracked pavement.

Prevents Sun Damage

The sun’s UV rays can quickly dry out asphalt, which makes it brittle and much more susceptible to cracks, chipping, and general wear and tear. Sealcoating creates a barrier that helps to protect the asphalt from the sun, which can extend the lifespan of the blacktop and keep it looking good for longer.

The protective coating prevents oxidation of the bitumen, and also fills in any new or larger cracks that may have developed over time. This will help to prevent water from leaking into these cracks and causing more serious damage underneath the surface.

Sealcoating will also help to protect the paved surface from oil, fuel, and chemical spills. While it will not stop these substances from seeping into the asphalt and destroying it, it will slow down how quickly they degrade and cause damage. This can save you money in the long run by preventing the need for a costly resurfacing project in the future.

Besides protecting the asphalt from oil and other chemicals, the sealcoat will prevent sunlight from damaging the pavement as well. The dark color of the sealcoat absorbs the sun’s rays and blocks them from the asphalt, helping to prevent the deterioration that leads to faded, grey-looking pavement.

If you want your driveway or parking lot to look as good as possible, sealcoating is an excellent investment for you to make. It can protect the paved surface from weather conditions, inclement weather, and damage caused by cars, trucks, and other vehicles.

When deciding when to schedule your asphalt sealcoating, it’s important to consider the temperature and humidity. Rainy or humid weather will negatively impact the process. Humidity causes the sealcoat material to take longer to dry, which can compromise the quality of the finished product. Also, if the weather is too hot, it will bake the sealcoat and reduce its effectiveness.

Prevents Oil and Gas Spills

Over time, asphalt surfaces lose their rich black color and become faded and gray. Sealcoating restores the original dark appearance of the pavement, presenting a clean and well-maintained image to your customers and visitors. This is important to your business, as people think highly of businesses that take care of their property.

The rich black color of the sealant also helps to hide oil spills and other stains, further improving the look of your parking lot or driveway. It’s not just vanity, though; the smooth surface created by the sealant also enhances traction and reduces accidents caused by driving over uneven pavement.

Oil and gas spills can be a major problem for asphalt surfaces, as they penetrate into the pores of the pavement, softening it and causing structural problems. A good quality asphalt sealant will have additives that make it resistant to petroleum-based chemicals, so it won’t absorb the spills and cause damage. This prevents the need for costly repairs or replacement of the asphalt.

While regular maintenance is key to extending the life of your asphalt pavement, a good asphalt sealant is a must for protecting this investment. By acting as a barrier against sun, water, oil and chemical penetration, this process will greatly extend the life of your pavement and minimize the need for expensive repair or replacement.

Before a sealcoat is applied, the asphalt surface must be cleaned and cracks filled to ensure proper adhesion of the sealant. It’s a good idea to have this done by professionals, as they will be able to ensure that the surface is ready for the application of the sealant and that it is applied evenly.

If you are looking to protect and prolong the life of your commercial parking lot or asphalt driveway, consider having it sealed this summer. The sealant is quick to apply and dries quickly, so it won’t interfere with daily activities. The low cost of this preventive maintenance will greatly outweigh the potential expense of repairing or replacing your asphalt in the future. 


How Landscaping Can Enhance Your Home and Increase Its Resale Value

Landscapes enhance your home and increase its resale value. They can be designed to incorporate a wide variety of features, such as lawns, plants, and garden ornaments.


Heterogenous landscapes have been linked with environmental benefits. However, this may not be because homeowners prioritize ecological aspects of their landscaping. Explore for additional information.

The human perception of landscape is a critical part of the sustainable development of a garden or yard. This is because it influences citizens’ expectations of the landscape’s quality, and therefore, the values they attach to it. The visual component of this perception can be studied through semiotic analysis. Semiotics is a discipline that studies signs and their meanings, and it can be used to analyze the design of landscapes.

The visual components of landscapes can be described in terms of line, form, texture, color, and visual weight. They can also be categorized according to the principles of composition, which include proportion, order, repetition, and unity of design. The study of these elements and principles is called landscape syntax.

In the design process, landscape designers utilize horticultural knowledge to organize and arrange plants, hardscape materials, and other features into an aesthetically pleasing or beautiful space. During this process, they often use the elements and principles of landscape composition to convey a message or create a certain feeling in the viewer.

For example, the use of lines in a garden can convey a sense of stability and permanence through their straightness. Curved lines, on the other hand, create a more relaxed or natural character. They can also draw the eye away from eyesores such as air conditioning units, or towards a statement tree or colorful plants.

The colors in a garden can be enhanced by the lighting conditions, such as brighter summer sun or the filtered light of winter. The color of a landscape also changes throughout the seasons, and it is important to consider these effects when planning a planting scheme. In addition, the color of a plant is only its most superficial aspect; other more enduring qualities such as form and texture are more important than its color.

One of the best ways to discover your personal style is by studying designs that appeal to you. Take a picture of a design that is pleasing to you, and try to figure out the principles of composition that are used in it. This will help you understand how to apply these concepts to your own landscaping ideas.


The shape of flowers, trees, ponds and other landscape objects and the overall shape of an outdoor space are important to consider. These aspects contribute to the three-dimensional qualities of a design and define the flow between different areas. Creating pathways and walkways that flow from one area to the next helps to accentuate the lines in your landscape. Lines are also used to highlight specific landscape features and create a sense of direction.

Color is another element of form that can help to make your landscaping look unified. The use of different shades of the same colors in your landscape helps to add a sense of harmony and balance. In addition, using colors that complement or contrast with each other adds interest to a landscape. Adding textures like coarse, fine, smooth or rough can further enhance the visual impact of each element in your landscape design.

Plantings can be grouped together to emphasize their shape and size, or to create balance in the overall landscape design. This technique is especially effective when creating a focal point in the landscape. This could be a waterfall, water garden, pond or other feature.

Choosing the right form for your landscape helps to create a cohesive design that fits with the architecture of your home. The layout of a landscape should be well-thought out so that the entire space flows smoothly and appears to have been planned from the beginning.

When selecting shrubs for a garden, consider their overall shape as well as their individual characteristics. For example, an upright shaped shrub will work better in a taller setting than a cascading or spiky variety.

The form of a landscape can be both formal and informal, depending on the design style chosen. For example, an axial layout can be more formal and structured while an organic or naturalistic landscape is less defined. Formal landscapes are often created around architectural styles, but can be mixed with a more organic or naturalistic style to create a balanced and unified design.


The texture of your landscaping is an essential element in its overall design. Often overlooked, the variety of textures adds depth, balance and intrigue to your garden. From the rough, coarse feel of wooded areas to the fine lace-like foliage of plants or grasses that rustle in the breeze, you’ll find a host of different elements that come into play in a well designed landscape.

The varying textures of plants and hardscapes are also important. Using a combination of both will create the most appealing landscape. A paver patio adds texture, as does a brick walkway or stone retaining wall. Even a fire pit or outdoor furniture set in weatherproof wicker is a great addition to the landscape with its interesting woven texture.

For the most impact, use contrasting textures in your plantings to create visual interest. Use a mix of coarse, medium and fine-textured plants. For example, use bold-textured plants such as hollyhocks, hydrangeas or rhus typhina with rough, woody trees and fences to create a balanced contrast. Conversely, softer-textured plants such as lilyturf and Coreopsis ‘Moonbeam’ can be used to complement soft flagstone surfaces and wrought iron accents in the landscape.

Another way to use texture in your landscaping is to create lines. Whether it’s the dark, furrows of exfoliating bark on a tree or the delicate tracery of branches against a snowy sky, the use of lines in your garden can provide a sense of movement and help draw the eye around the garden. In winter, this becomes even more important as a garden can be so stark without the green of summer. Delicate ornamental grasses such as Spiraea ‘Snowmound’ with its fluffy, pink plumes in fall or the slender stems of Mexican feather grass are a perfect way to add texture to the garden.

Fine texture in a landscape is just as important as the coarse or medium textures in a garden. The use of ferns and other groundcover plants with fine leaves will create a light, airy feeling in the landscape that’s a great counterpoint to heavy-textured plants such as oakleaf hydrangeas or southern magnolias. Mulch, such as finely shredded bark or crushed shells, is an excellent landscape material to use in the garden to add fine texture and retain soil moisture.


Inviting the sense of smell into the landscape is a great way to create a more complete experience. In fact, research shows that the scents of flowers, rain-soaked earth and newly sprouted vegetation can boost mood and relieve stress.

Scent is often the last element gardeners consider when selecting flowering plants, but it should be a top priority. Fragrant plants aren’t just beautiful, they’re beneficial, as they help attract pollinators and contribute to the health of the plant ecosystem.

The designers of the Jo Whiley Scent Garden, a Feel Good garden at this year’s RHS Chelsea Flower Show, put scent first and created a garden where visitors could relax by smelling the natural perfume of a range of plants. They also included a wall engraved with “scent memories” including woodland walks, rain on warm paving and new leaf growth.

Ken explains that his hypersensitivity to fragrance helped him to document and describe the different scents of various landscape plants for his book, which is an olfactory exploration of 100 landscape species. He describes the subtle differences in fragrance between plants, such as how the lutchuensis variety of camelia may smell like melon or bubble gum, while other varieties have more complex notes, such as those of the Carolina allspice that can be reminiscent of grape soda.

Incorporate fragrant shrubs and perennials into the landscape, such as thyme and lavender. Or, use low-growing sweet alyssum as a ground cover and add scented climbing plants to trellises or fences, such as jasmine. Look for varieties that bloom in the evening, such as night-blooming jasmine or moonflower.